Leadership isn’t easy, But the most important things in life rarely are. Rather than pointing to an off-ramp and wondering why not take it, we are starting a quarterly lunch session for all our church leadership, to carve out a few moments all together, to allow inspired vision, encouragement and intentional growth motivate us.
Now is the time to act, that we might improve upon and preserve the unity of a great team that God has put together. Please set aside this date and make it a priority.
Sunday, March 19th following the morning service.
Leaders of all church ministries, please make plans now to attend.
Ministries that are included but not limited to:
*Pastors & Teachers *Board Members *Children’s Teachers *Youth *O. C. C. *J. O. Y. *Women’s Ministry *Men’s Ministry *Worship team *Sound Booth *H2H Leaders & Hosts *Wisdom Storehouse *Kitchen *Security Ministry *Doers of the Word